Australian Peter Ward wins prize at the 2020 Astonomy Photographer of the Year Awards
Опубликованно 18.09.2020 14:27
The photograph that looks to show huge orange flames engulfing trees in the bush, however, is actually of a nebula, NGC 3576, in space.
Winner of the ‘Stars and Nebulae’ category, it was taken by Australian photographer Peter Ward, and combines 32 images with the stars removed.
One of the competition judges Ed Robinson said “it is a reminder and testament to the horrors that the photographer references during the Australian bushfires. As photographers and artists it is often the personal experiences and moments in our individual lives that we translate into our depictions of what we see and then represent to our audiences through our works.”
To feature your own photos on each week, you can upload them here or tag them with #newscomauphotos on Instagram and Facebook.
Stars and Nebulae Winner – Cosmic Inferno. Picture: Peter Ward/Astronomy Photographer of the Year Awards
People and Space Winner – The Prison of Technology. Picture: Rafael Schmall/Astronomy Photographer of the Year Awards
Our Moon Winner – Tycho Crater Region with Colours. Picture: Alain Paillou/Astronomy Photographer of the Year Awards
Overall Winner and Galaxies Winner – Andromeda Galaxy at Arm’s Length. Picture: Nicolas Lefaudeu/Astronomy Photographer of the Year Awards
Sir Patrick Moore Prize for Best Newcomer Winner – Waves. Picture: Bence Toth/Astronomy Photographer of the Year Awards
Skyscapes Winner – Painting the Sky. Picture: Thomas Kast/Astronomy Photographer of the Year Awards
Our Sun Winner – Liquid Sunshine. Picture: Alexandra Hart/Astronomy Photographer of the Year Awards
Annie Maunder Prize for Image Innovation Winner – Dark River (detail). Picture: Julie Hill/Astronomy Photographer of the Year Awards
Aurorae Winner – The Green Lady. Picture: Nicholas Roemmelt/Astronomy Photographer of the Year Awards
Planets, Comets and Asteroids Winner – Space Between Us. Picture: Lukasz Sujka/Astronomy Photographer of the Year Awards
Young Competition Winner – The Four Planets and the Moon. Picture: Alice Fock Hang/Astronomy Photographer of the Year Awards
Категория: Технологии